Change for the Better: 4 Signs You Need to Revamp the Design of Your Website

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Your website is like your home online. It has its own aesthetics, and its functions depend on what you need and how you want to address it. The skin and design your website has can stay for a long time as long as it serves its purpose. However, there will come a time when you need to redesign it. It may feel like giving your home a spring-cleaning session. Once it is clean, you will then revamp its look and the whole project may seem like a renovation.

Like in real home renovation processes, you have to justify your project. This means that you need to see to it that the redesign is actually valid and necessary. Otherwise, you will be just wasting time and money.

Let us help you define those signs. Before you enlist the help of leading providers of SEO and website design services in Sydney, here are some pointers you need to keep in mind.

Reason #1: The Bounce Rate is High

The bounce rate says a lot about your website. For starters, the bounce rate is the percentage of people who leave the website without doing what you want them to do. For one, if they intend to buy something from the site, they just leave their cart instead of actually buying. One of the factors that may be pushing the bounce rate is the design and usability of the site. If you find out that it is really the concern, you ought to have your website redesigned.

Reason #2: You Want to Rebrand

The look and feel of your brand may have fallen out of favour. Only one solution can give you better results: rebranding. When you are trying to change the appearance and promise of your brand, you will need to be consistent, meaning the change should be visible across all your materials, including your website. That way, you should look into what needs to be changed on your website. If your brand has changed colours and typefaces, such changes should be also seen on your new web design.

Reason #3: Your Design is Outdated

website design

There are signs that will tell you that your web design is outdated, and one of the most telling ones is its low ranking. Your website does not rank because it is not optimised. The search engine may be having a hard time reading the format of your website. The elements may be convoluted that your site looks clunky. If you want to change that, go for a redesign!

Reason #4: The Site Experiences Problems

User experience and user interface are both important in web design. These two factors should work harmoniously. Otherwise, your audience will have a hard time navigating the site. If your website currently experiences problems, such as slow loading, you ought to address that, as this speaks a lot about your site’s user experience.

Redesigning your website is important if you want to improve your online hub. It is an investment worth making.

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