Branding 101: How to Build a Solid Online Reputation

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As the owner of a thriving business, you already how crucial first impressions are. But, did you also know that according to a Yelp survey, 85% of consumers search for businesses on Google prior to making a purchase? Put simply, if you fail to manage your reputation online, you could lose sales without even realizing it.

How do you craft a successful online reputation? Here are some tips:

Establish Your Branding Objectives

The way you manage your online reputation should primarily depend on your branding goals and long-term branding plan. Determine how you want your target market to see your brand, the core features and benefits of your product or service, and your competitive advantage. Online reputation management experts in Long Beach, CA adds that you can only decide how you could proceed if you better communicate these to your target market.

Determine The Most Appropriate Communication Channels

The success of your online reputation management campaign would significantly depend on the specific communication channels you use for reaching your target customers.

For instance, you’ve probably seen brands on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and LinkedIn, but not all of them are active. The thing is, inactive social media accounts are more damaging to your online reputation than not having any profiles in the first place. That said, determine which social media platforms your target customers use, engage them there, and ensure constant communication.

Deliver Superior Content to Establish your Online Reputation

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Regularly creating superior, useful, and relevant content would communicate to customers of your industry expertise and authority. This would build your credibility more quickly and enable you to demonstrate your authority and expertise on various industry matters. Likewise, consider blogging regularly because this is the easiest and most cost-effective strategy for leveraging competitive keywords and staying on top of search engine result pages (SERPs).

Be on The Lookout for How People Perceive your Brand

Listening and keeping track of what people might be saying about your business is a vital aspect of effective online reputation management. Aside from helping you determine and understand your target customers’ needs, it would likewise enable you to counter any negative things dirty competitors or impossible customers say about your business.

There are various ways you could do this strategy. You could set up an alert for any mention of your brand through Google Alerts and monitor your social media profiles. The most important thing is to always keep on top of monitoring so you could react appropriately and quickly as needed.

Associate Your Business with Authority Platforms and Publications

An easy, but highly successful way of crafting a solid online reputation is by associating your brand with credible and credible industry platforms and publications. There are a couple of ways you could go about this, guest blogging, influencer outreach, through honest customer testimonials, and being reviewed positively on authority forums and review sites.

The online reputation of your brand is among the most valuable assets of your business. You just have to manage it to make certain that your target market perceive your brand the way you want them to.

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