Two Ways to Increase Your Brand’s Online Presence

Social Media
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The Internet is probably one of the most powerful tools of a business owner in the digital age. It enables businesses to connect to potential clients from all over the world without even stepping out of their offices. But it can also be easy for your brand’s voice to drown in the sea of digital noise. Out of hundreds of businesses from the same industry, how do you make sure that your brand gets its time to shine under the limelight?

If you want to learn about the steps you can take to improve your business’ online presence, check out the tips below:

Provide a smooth user experience (UX)

Whether you are starting from scratch or revamping an existing website, consulting a company that offers web design services will work wonders for your brand. A web designer will ensure that your website is easy to navigate and that it does not take too much time to load. A well-designed website leads customers directly to what they are looking for, which makes it easier to garner customer conversions.

Aside from this, your website should also be mobile-friendly because many users use their phone to surf the net and do online shopping. It should be easy on the eyes as well, which means that the colors should complement each other and elements of the website are neatly grouped into sections.

Choose the online platforms that will work best for you

Social media platforms

There is no need to be on every single social networking site. Focus your energy on two main channels that you can easily maintain. It would be helpful to remember that different kinds of content work on each platform. The platform that will work best for you will also depend on the nature of your business. Use the information below as a guide.

  • Facebook has approximately two billion active monthly users, making it the largest platform. Videos and blog posts work well here. If you are going to post a video, it will be best to upload it directly on Facebook to get more engagements and shares. When it comes to tone, users respond well to educational and entertaining posts.
  • As for Instagram, high-quality photos and quotes reign here. This platform will work well for those in the food, beauty and fashion, and travel industries. It is the perfect place to post flattering photos of your products. Doing this will entice customers to give your products a try.

Another type of photos that you can post are behind-the-scenes photos. These photos could range from events that have been organized by the company to the making of a product, like step-by-step pictures of how a cake was decorated.

Another option is to post inspirational quotes. You can create graphics that feature quotes with the use of free design tools

  • Time-sensitive information and GIFs are best suited for Twitter. It is a great idea to post announcements and industry-related news here. As one of the platforms where GIFs originally became popular, it remains effective on Twitter. You can use these to create fun to watch informative posts.

A well-established online presence can indeed be a huge help to business owners. If it is successfully done, it can improve a company’s sales and heighten the visibility of the brand. Now that you have gained some tips on how to execute it properly, go ahead and practice what you have learned. At first, there will only be minimal progress, but with constant practice, you will soon see a significant improvement.

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