Twitter Trends: Gain More Insight on Your Followers’ Likes

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Unexpected topics trends and videos go viral on Twitter every day. If you’re a business owner in need of a better marketing strategy, pay attention to what the internet has to say. By doing so, you don’t just learn more about your target audience; you show them that you’re a social-savvy online conversationalist, too.

What’s Trending on Twitter?

Twitter’s trending topics appear on the left side of your timeline on both the notification and home pages. If you are on your profile page, you’ll find the trending topics on the right side of your tweets.

Twitter trends are usually based on who you follow, as well as your location. Worldwide trends are also part of Twitter’s trending page. If you want to change the default and tailored trends, look for the “Change” option sitting beside the trends headline.

Another thing about trending topics on Twitter: there’s always a hashtag. Hashtags make it easier for users to find a topic or join a specific conversation. For business owners and marketers, this can help expand your potential audience.

If you want to look for conversations about a specific trend, just click on a hashtag or topic. You’ll end up on the Twitter search to narrow down the results by switching from live results to top stories, photos, accounts, or videos.

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Photo by Brett Jordan

Popular Twitter Trending FAQs

Knowing what’s trending on Twitter is a simple task, but some people still have questions. If you’re still trying to figure out the Twitter trending feature, here are some of the frequently asked questions.

Why Can’t I See What’s Trending on Twitter?

If the trending tweets are unavailable on your page, go to “Settings and Privacy” and tap “Content Preferences.” Under the “Explore” tab, press “Trends.” To turn on trends and received personalized trends, drag the slider next to “Trends.” If the feature is disabled, tap “Change Location” to change your app’s location settings.

Why is the Trending Feature Not Working on my Twitter?

One of the primary culprits behind this issue is a cache problem. Some systems cache data from old trends, preventing users from seeing the latest trends. You’ll need to manually clear your cache to see the latest trends.

How Do You End Up on Twitter’s Trending List

The key is to get your topic to trend. Start with an interesting topic, one that is talked about and relevant. On the other hand, you can also use a new hashtag, which can also be quick to trend (depending on the relevancy of the topic).

If you want your tweet to trend, keep the following practices in mind:

  • Post visual content
  • Use hashtags
  • Tweet frequently
  • Optimize your posting time
  • Engage with your audience
  • Draw more followers outside of Twitter

Twitter Trends and Advertising

Another fun fact about Twitter’s trending list: you can promote your tweets! The best part is you can also use promote yourself on these trends. Think of it as paid ads on Twitter. Promoted Trends can be found with the promoted tweets. Since it’s placed on top of the trending topics, you can expect a large amount of audience.

How Can You Use Trending Topics in Your Marketing Strategy?

While Twitter trends plenty of topics, not all of them will work with your current marketing needs. For instance, if your business focuses on pop culture, you can get away with entertainment-related hashtags and topics. However, if you’re a loan officer or a general contractor, these topics aren’t for you and you must be more discerning with the trends you follow.

Fortunately, not everything has to be specific to your business or its industry. It’s OK to explore trends every now and then. Just keep in mind that your followers followed you because of your industry-relevant tweets. So, if you want to explore hashtags outside of your circle, avoid straying far from home.

Here are some practices to follow:

  • Join or start conversations around trending topics by using hashtags or exact trending phrases.
  • Find creative ways to inject more life in your posts.
  • Target your posts. As mentioned above, followers aren’t interested in all trends. Don’t waste their time with irrelevant tweets. You’ll just end up deleting your tweets.
  • Plan your posts. If you know a topic will generate trends, focus your posts on these topics and tweak them if necessary.
  • Be quick. Trends come and go and if you don’t strike while the iron is hot, you’ll miss a marketing opportunity on Twitter.
  • Use hashtags properly.

Monitoring what’s trending on Twitter is a simple yet great way to know what your followers are interested in. Creating content that mirrors the latest trends will boost your brand’s exposure, as well as help you gain more followers.

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