Types Of APIs

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The use of applications dominates today’s digital landscape. According to 2022 data from Statista, consumers have generated 255 billion downloads in mobile applications alone. This figure is about 80% far from the total app downloads in 2019, which amounted to 200 billion.

With this exponential rise, software developers are finding new ways to communicate with each other, creating the need for Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). But what are APIs, and how do they work?

What Is An API?

APIs are software intermediaries that allow two applications to talk to each other. They may be used to access web-based data, display information on a website, or enable customers to access third-party application features.

That’s why when referencing APIs, its subcategory, web APIs, is usually the first to come to mind. Web APIs are accessible through Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the same protocol used for showing webpages in browsers. This means that information is transmitted to the API and sent out to other applications in a language they can understand.

How Does An API Work?

APIs act as a link between two applications. A client sends a request using the API protocol, which then goes to the server and receives an answer. The server may respond without any data or send back a response with the requested information.

With APIs, clients can access data and services from other applications without needing to understand the details of how they are built. This is a great way to access resources and use them in another application.

One of the best examples of how APIs work is using Google Maps API. With this API, developers can add a map with the exact information they need for their application. It’s also possible to search for addresses and get more detailed information about a specific location. This makes it easy to access a map quickly and efficiently.

Sometimes, it may also result in an API outage due to the  server’s inability to handle the requests. Developers and users need to understand how APIs work and be aware of potential outages, as they can greatly impact their applications.

Benefits Of Using APIs In Businesses

The right technology can help businesses create better products and reduce costs. APIs have these benefits and more. Here are the top advantages of using APIs in business:

Improved Efficiency

APIs allow developers to access data and services from other applications quickly and efficiently, reducing the time needed to develop software. This increased efficiency translates into faster development cycles and more reliable results.

API hologram

Enhanced User Experience

APIs make it easy for businesses to provide customers with a personalized experience. With APIs, developers can easily access different services and integrate them into their applications to offer a better user experience. This can lead to improved customer service and a more satisfying user experience.

Increased Flexibility

APIs allow businesses to update their applications and add new features. This increased flexibility will enable companies to adapt to the ever-changing market demands. In such a highly competitive environment, quickly adjusting and updating applications can be a game-changer. Using APIs, every business can respond promptly to customer needs and stay ahead of competitors.

Better Security

Since APIs bridge different applications, security is a significant concern. However, APIs offer some great security solutions. For instance, the health sector uses a healthcare API gateway to ensure that only authenticated users can access their systems and protect their data from malicious attacks. These robust security measures will help protect businesses from cyber threats and provide peace of mind.

Different Types Of APIs

There are four types of APIs available when it comes to software development. By understanding the different APIs available, you can select the one that best meets your needs.

Open APIs

Also known as public APIs, open APIs are publicly available to anyone. These open-sourced APIs meaning developers can access and customize the source code as needed. And because they are open-source, they require minimal setup and configuration.

A significant advantage of this type of API is that it allows developers to contribute to the code, leading to improved features and better overall performance. This increases the value of the API and makes it more accessible to developers. However, open APIs can also be more vulnerable to security threats. But with proper authorization and authentication, these APIs can be secured.

This is common in traffic control systems, weather services, and other data-driven applications. Because these APIs are openly available to everyone, their data is often used for analytics purposes.

Partner APIs

With a Partner API, access to the application is limited to authorized clients with official licenses. Thus, security measures are much more robust with partner APIs than public APIs. Partner APIs are typically used by companies that want more control over who is accessing their resources and how those resources are being used.

Partner APIs also help businesses create better products and services. Since access is limited, companies can be sure that people with the necessary credentials are using their resources. Thus, businesses can be confident that their resources are being used responsibly and safely.

An example of such an API is the Pinterest API, which allows developers to access user data and content from the platform. This API allows developers to create applications with enhanced features such as search and user recommendations.

Internal APIs

Internal APIs are private APIs that are only available within a company. They’re not intended for use by third parties, meaning they can’t be accessed outside the organization. With internal systems, developers can access easier share data and resources between different departments or teams.

This type of API is useful for streamlining processes and improving efficiency within a company. It’s also the advisable choice when the data being accessed is sensitive. Especially when dealing with confidential customer data, internal APIs are the best choice for security and privacy.

But although internal API systems are often hidden from the public, some companies eventually go public with them. One example of an internal API that made its way to the public is the Facebook Graph API, which allows developers to integrate data from their social media profiles into applications. This API is now widely used by developers to create applications with better user experiences.

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Composite APIs

A composite API combines multiple APIs. This allows developers to get a set of data from different sources, enabling them to create a comprehensive view of the user’s behavior. This type of API is often used in applications that need to access multiple data sources and combine them into one.

Many applications use composite APIs to improve the user experience. For example, an app may have a combination of data sources such as product reviews, customer ratings, and product availability. This data can be accessed and used to create a comprehensive view of the product for the user.

An excellent example of a composite API is e-commerce applications. These apps need to access multiple data sources, such as product information, prices, availability, reviews, and promotions. By combining all of this data into one API, developers can create a comprehensive view of the product that users can access easily.

Different API Architectures

Aside from the type of API, there are also different architectures to consider. These API protocols determine how the data is sent between applications. The most common architectures include the following:


Representational State Transfer Service APIs or REST APIs are the most popular type of web service APIs. They use a client-server model, where the server stores and retrieves information for the client.

There is a set of rules for communication between the client and the server, meaning that developers need to understand how to use these rules for their applications to send and receive data properly. The good news is that most web services follow REST API protocols, making it easier for developers to use them.

JavaScript Object Notation or JSON is the most common format in REST API calls. However, some APIs use XML or HTML for data transfer and exchange.


Simple Object Access Protocols or SOAP APIs are ideal for complex data exchange between systems. Typically, these APIs use the XML format to communicate with clients and servers.

It defines the structure of messages and how they should be sent over a network. This makes SOAP APIs more reliable when sending data between different systems, as the structure of the message is always consistent.

Note that both REST and SOAP APIs can be used in combination to create a comprehensive API system. This allows developers to get the best of both worlds.


Remote Procedural Calls or RPC APIs are related to the client-server model. These APIs enable clients to directly access and execute procedures from a remote server without knowing how the server works.

RPC API is mainly used in distributed systems and is an ideal choice for applications that need to access data from remote servers quickly and efficiently. It often employs formats such as XML-RPC, JSON-RPC, or gRPC.

Bottom Line

APIs are essential for software development in the digital age. As APIs become more prevalent, businesses must understand the types and architectures available. By understanding how APIs work, developers can create better applications with enhanced features and improved user experience. With a suitable API, businesses can stay competitive and ensure their applications remain secure. This will help businesses maximize their potential and better serve their customers.

So, if you’re looking to take your business’ software development to the next level, don’t hesitate to look into the different types of APIs. They could be just what you need to succeed in today’s digital landscape.

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