Ways to Keep Business Data Secure

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Every day, businesses generate and receive a lot of data. Chances are, the majority of this data is stored online. The dependence of companies on technology has increased over the last couple of years. This reliance is both a good and a bad thing. While information is fast becoming centralized to make it easy to accesses, this shift also gives hackers a central point that they can target.

Implementing some of the best network security solutions for small businesses can help to protect your company from the effects of a cyberattack. According to research by the National Small Business Association, the cost of recovering from an attack has jumped from $8,700 to $20,000. Having information about your customers and clients is essential, but securing private information is more vital to the health of your business. The following tips can help you to prevent a data breach in your company:

Encourage employees to use strong passwords

Educate your employees about the importance of using strong passwords for their accounts. Most people tend to use the same password across different websites and services, which can compromise the security of your business. On your part, you should use validation technology that requires passwords to be over a certain difficulty level. If employees tend to forget their passwords, encourage the use of secure password managers.

Improve security in your business premises

Safety should be enforced right from the entrance of your business. Make sure to use secure locks and install front doors that are made from sturdy materials. If someone stops working for you, make sure to recover or change the office keys. Install CCTV cameras and other security devices, especially in places where crucial data such as social security numbers, contracts, and financial records are kept. Security doesn’t stop at installing physical locks. You should also protect your Wi-Fi network with a strong password and ask your employees not to share it.

Educate your employees about phishing

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Aside from using strong passwords and antivirus software, let your employees know common techniques that hackers use and how they can protect themselves. One of the most effective methods that your employees should know about is phishing. Inform them not to click on links in suspicious emails and not to send crucial information to anyone before they confirm the recipient’s details. Millions of misleading e-mails and phone calls occur every day, and preparing your employees is the best way to save your business from a potential cyberattack.

The security of your business is essential, but it doesn’t have to be hard to implement. However, don’t take anything for granted. Newer methods of stealing data continue to emerge, and it is better if your employees are prepared for it.

Don’t hesitate until it is too late for you to take action. The strategies above can save you a lot of time and money. Take simple steps to protect your data from unauthorized people both physically and online. Keeping your business data secure is one of the wisest decisions that you will ever make.

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